Vay Liang & Frisca Go Award for Lifetime Achievement

The Vay Liang & Frisca Go Award for Lifetime Achievement is the most esteemed recognition conferred by the American Pancreatic Association, representing the highest honor within the pancreatology community. Named in honor of Dr. Vay Liang and Mrs. Frisca Go, this award acknowledges individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and excellence across research, education, clinical practice, and mentorship. It commemorates the pioneering spirit of its namesakes, whose contributions have laid the foundation for advancements in pancreas research and the establishment of a thriving community. Through this award, the APA celebrates the recipient’s profound impact on the field of pancreatology.

Donations may be made to the Vay Liang & Frisca Go endowment here.


O. Joe Hines, MD

O. Joe Hines, MD, FACS, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Surgery at UCLA, Executive Medical Director, and William P. Longmire, Jr., Chair in Surgery. Dr. Hines attended the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine and was inducted into Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society. He trained in general surgery at UCLA, including two years of research in gastrointestinal physiology, and was then recruited to the UCLA faculty in 1997. While at UCLA, he received the Department Golden Scalpel Award for teaching excellence and the UCLA School of Medicine Award for Excellence in Education and the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Sherman M. Mellinkoff Faculty Award.

His research has focused on angiogenesis, cytokines, and pancreatic carcinogenesis, including the role of diet in modulating these processes. Dr. Hines’ research has been consistently funded by NIH, and he has served on the NIH Scientific Review Committee Tumor Progression and Metastasis. Dr. Hines is past-President of the American Pancreatic Association and the Chair of the American Pancreatic Association Foundation. He served as Chair of the American Board of Surgery, President of the Society of University Surgeons, President of the Southern California Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and was appointed to the Board of Governors of the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Hines was awarded the American College of Surgeons Traveling Fellowship to Germany in 2005 and was a James IV Traveling Fellow in 2011. He serves on the editorial boards of Surgery and Annals of Surgery and is an editor of Maignot’s Abdominal Operations.


Yoshifumi Takeyama, MD, PhD

Dr. Takeyama graduated from Kobe University and received his MD from Kobe University School of Medicine in 1981. He aspired to be a gastrointestinal surgeon and joined the First Department of Surgery which Professor Yoichi Saito chaired. Professor Saito was one of the leaders in pancreatic surgery in Japan. After 1-year residency, he entered Graduate School of Kobe University, and investigated the intracellular stimulustransmission mechanism under the guidance of Professor Yasutomi Nishizuka who was the discoverer of protein kinase C. Dr. Takeyama got his PhD degree for the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of the stimulatory action of bile acids on the exocrine pancreatic secretion in 1988. In 1985, he studied abroad for two years in the Department of Artificial Organs in the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio, USA for two years with his family and investigated the artificial metabolic support using extracorporeal circulation technique under the guidance of Professor Yukihiko Nose.

After returning to Japan, Dr. Takeyama was trained as a gastrointestinal surgeon and devoted himself to the clinical and basic research of acute pancreatitis at the First Department of Surgery in Kobe University. He was promoted to Assistant Professor in 1992 and subsequently became Associate Professor at Kobe University. In 2003, he was assigned to the Department of HBP Surgery at Kindai University School of Medicine as an associate professor.  He was promoted to clinical professor in 2008 and became a professor and chairman in 2010. During this period, he performed over one thousand highly difficult operations in HBP surgery and treated over two hundred patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis surgically.

Since 2003, Dr. Takeyama has been an active member of the Research Committee of Intractable Pancreatic Diseases in Japan  and served as Chairman from 2014-2016. He joined the Japan Pancreas Society in 1990, serving as Editor-in-Chief of the academic journal “Suizo” from 2009-2018.  He was a council member from 2015-2024 and President from 2020-2024. He has been attending the APA annual meetings since 1998, becoming an active member in 2008. He also served as Council of IAP and President from 2020-2022, hosting the 2022 IAP meeting in Kyoto. As editorial committee member, Dr. Takeyama  was involved in the development of every version of the Japanese Guidelines for acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis.  He has published over 200 manuscripts in pancreatology and gastrointestinal surgery.

Dr. Takeyama has been interested in medical education for a long time and has been a member of the Japan Society of Medical Education since 2004, serving on the council from 2013-2016. He also served as Chaiman of the Postgraduate Center in Kindai University Hospital from 2015-2022.

Dr. Takeyama grew up at the foot of Mt. Rokko located on the north side of Kobe city, which is his hometown.  He loves nature,  particularly mountain climbing. He is also interested in visiting the pilgrimage route or old road, and now enjoys walking these routes with his wife in his free time.

Dr. Takeyama has two sons (Kohei and Shogo), three granddaughters (Mizuki, Fuka, Kaori), and one grandson (Joichiro). He and his beloved wife Junko, who is a professional performer with the Japanese classical music “Jiuta”, have been happily married for 40 years and reside in Kobe city at the southern foot of the beautiful Mt. Rokko.


Yupei Zhao, MD

Dr. Zhao is a distinguished Professor of Surgery and Chief Physician. He has made substantial contributions to clinical and scientific research and education in the fields of pancreatic surgery and pancreatic oncology. Dr. Zhao was the first to establish and promote the multidisciplinary treatment model for pancreatic diseases in Chinese hospitals. He spearheaded the standardization of diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic diseases by leading the formulation of consensuses, guidelines, and national standards in China. Dr. Zhao is also the pioneer of laparoscopic and robotic pancreatic surgery in China, which has significantly advanced the progress of minimally invasive pancreatic surgery. Moreover, Dr. Zhao led the establishment of the Chinese Pancreatic Association (CAP), uniting pancreatic centers across China to collaborate on numerous national research programs and clinical trials. He also initiated the foundation of the China Pancreas Data Center, which serves as a national platform. Over the past four decades, Dr. Zhao has trained hundreds of professionals and students in major pancreatic centers across China, thereby contributing to the development of a talent pipeline in the field of pancreatic diseases in China.

Dr. Zhao currently serves as the Chairman of the Chinese Society of Surgery, Chairman of the Chinese Pancreatic Surgery Association, Director of the National Facility for Translational Medicine (PUMCH), Director of the State Key Laboratory of Complex, Severe and Rare Diseases, and Chairman of the China Alliance for Rare Diseases. Dr. Zhao founded the Journal of Pancreatology, the only international journal in the field of pancreatic diseases in China and has served as editor-in-chief of many other journals. In addition, Dr. Zhao has received a number of national awards, including the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award, and honorary fellowships from many organizations such as the International College of Surgeons.



2023:  Darwin L. Conwell MD, MSc, FACG
2022:   Carlos Fernández-del Castillo MD
2021:   Markus M. Lerch MD, FRCP
2020:   Anna S. Gukosvskaya PhD
2019:   Suresh Chari MD
             Tooru Shimosegawa MD, PhD
2018:   Martin L. Freeman MD
2017:   Rodger A. Liddle MD
2016:   Chris E. Forsmark MD
2015:   Stephen Pandol MD
2014:   William Chey MD
             Ashok Saluja PhD
2013:   Michael Steer MD
             Masao Tanaka MD, PhD
2012:   Horst F. Kern MD
             Murray Korc MD
2011:   Andrew L. Warshaw MD
2010:   Peter A. Banks MD
2009:   Fred S. Gorelick MD
              Katsusuke Satake MD
2008:   Daniel S. Longnecker MD
2007:   Howard A. Reber MD
2006:   Tadashi Takeuchi MD, PhD
              Phillip P. Toskes
2005:   John A. Williams MD, PhD
2004:   Paul D. Webster III MD
2003:   James D. Jamieson MD, PhD
2002:   Eugene P. Dimagno MD
2001:   Vay Liang W. Go MD

Dr. Ashok K. Saluja Distinguished Service Award

The Dr. Ashok K. Saluja Distinguished Service Award stands as a distinguished tribute within the pancreatology community, honoring individuals whose exceptional contributions, service, and educational endeavors have left an indelible mark on the field. Named in appreciation and recognition of Dr. Ashok K. Saluja, APA Secretary-Treasurer, this award honors his unwavering commitment to the organization, characterized by tireless dedication, mentorship, and the nurturing of countless friendships within the realm of pancreatology. The establishment of this award underscores the profound impact of individuals, whose steadfast efforts enrich and propel the field forward.

Donations may be made to the Dr. Ashok K. Saluja Distinguished Service Award endowment here.

Fred Gorelick MD

Dr. Fred Gorelick is a Professor of Medicine and Cell Biology at Yale School of Medicine. After completing medical school and internal medicine training at the University of Missouri, he completed a GI Fellowship at Yale School of Medicine. After hearing presentations by George Palade and Jim Jamieson on the pancreatic acinar cell in 1977, Fred began a research career in Jim’s lab. After describing calmodulin-kinase II in 1982, Fred began his long-term association with Paul Greengard at Rockefeller University, studying cell signaling. In 1989, Steve Leach joined Fred’s lab with the goal of studying acute pancreatitis using cell biology approaches. That event and the study that followed prompted Fred to shift his research focus to basic science studies of acute pancreatitis, a theme that continues today. Along the way, Fred made contributions to our pancreatology community, including authorship of multiple editions of “Structure-Function Relationships of the Pancreas” in LR Johnson’s Gastrointestinal Physiology text and “Acute Pancreatitis” in Yamada’s Textbook of Gastroenterology. Fred was the editor of three editions of the AGA Institute’s slide set on “Pancreatic Physiology and Pancreatitis” and most recently co-edited “The Pancreas: Biology and Physiology”, with John Williams. Fred held leadership positions in our community, serving as one of the first AGA Pancreas Section Chairs, President of the APA, and a member of the APA Board. Among the awards he considers the most meaningful are the Vay Liang & Frisca Go Award for Lifetime Achievement, IAP Palade Medal, the AGA National Mentor Award, and the AGA Pancreatic Section Mentor Award.

Kazuichi Okazaki MD, PhD

Dr Kazuichi Okazaki has been working in the field of pancreatology and clinical immunology since he graduated from Kyoto University in 1978. After earning his PhD, he began his academic career as an assistant professor at the School of Medicine, Kochi University in Japan. After 2 years as a visiting researcher at New York Medical College and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, he was appointed Associate Professor at Kochi University. In 1996, he moved back to the Department of Gastroenterology, Kyoto University as an Associate Professor. In 2003, he was nominated as Chairman and Professor at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kansai Medical University (KMU) in Osaka. Since 2019, he has been an Emeritus Professor and Director of Kori University Hospital at KMU. His main academic interest is chronic pancreatitis and autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) as IgG4-related disease (RD).

He has published more than 550 English articles in the field of gastroenterology. He is a member of the APA and the Japan Pancreas Society (JPS), and he organized the 50th memorial joint meeting of APA/JPS held in Maui in 2019 as JPS President (2016 to 2020). He was a councilor in the IAP (2008-2016), Secretary General and Councilor of Asian Oceanic Pancreatic Association (AOPA) (2016-2020), Executive Councilor (2014-2020) and Congress President (2016) of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology (JSGE), and Councilor (2014-2019) of the Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology (APAGE). He helped develop the JPS diagnostic criteria and clinical guidelines for AIP and the international consensus diagnostic criteria (ICDC) and therapeutic guidelines for AIP supported by IAP. He has organized nationwide study groups of IgG4-related disease (2010-2013, 2018-2020) supported by the Japanese government and developed the new concept and guidelines for IgG4-RD. He has been invited as a guest speaker for numerous meetings held in Asia (Korea, Thailand, Taipei), Oceania (Australia), Europe (Italy) and the United States (APA, AGA).



2023  John A. Williams MD, PhD
2022  Megan Golden JD
2021  Patter Birsic
           Jane Holt
2020  Vay Liang W. Go MD
2019   Barbara Kenner PhD
            Jean Alfred Morisset PhD
2018   Dana K. Andersen PhD
2017   Julie Fleshman JD, MBA
2016   Sudhir Srivastava PhD, MPH, MS
2015   Jose Serrano MD, PhD
            Mushtaq Khan DVM, PhD
2014   Stephen P. James MD
2013   Agi Hirshberg
2012   Edward D. Purich PhD

Young Investigator in Pancreatology Grant


Apply Now!


The American Pancreatic Association Foundation is pleased to offer impactful grant opportunities for advancing pancreatology research valued at $100,000 each. These grants primarily target basic and translational research in pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer. The next grant cycle will open in Spring 2025.

APAF & IAP Grant: Co-sponsored by the International Association of Pancreatology, fostering research among emerging international scientists located in the institutions outside North America.

APAF & Pfizer Grant: Dedicated to studying clinical and scientific disparities in pancreatology, open to applicants from both international and North American institutions, thanks to support from Pfizer Inc.

Two APAF Grants: Aimed at encouraging research among the next generation of scientists, prioritizing applications related to pancreatitis and the relationship between pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer, but also welcomes proposals related to all types of exocrine pancreatic disease. Open to applicants from both international and North American institutions.

These award opportunities are available for investigators that are in the early stages of their career. Included are senior post-doctoral researchers, instructors, research associates and assistant professors including clinical and research track faculty (MD, MD-PhD, PhD or DVM). To enhance the training experience, we require the support and participation of a senior mentor and that the applicant have substantive new learning experiences and a mentoring/academic development committee. We require that the mentor have a substantial record of research accomplishments in a relevant field as well a history of successful mentorship. The applicant and mentor must be a member of the APA or IAP (for the APAF/IAP grant) in good standing. Applications from individuals not holding U.S. citizenship or immigration, pursuing research in the United States institutions are welcome. Funds may be used at APAF/IAP approved sites outside of the United States. Applications by individuals from diversity groups that are under-represented in medicine and biomedical research are encouraged.

Applications will be scored based on the experience and goals of the applicant, the quality of the research plan, the qualifications of the mentor, the training environment, and the relevance of the proposal to the scientific goals of the APA. The APA will prioritize applications related to pancreatitis and the relationship between pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer, but also welcomes proposals related to all types of exocrine pancreatic disease.

Application Checklist:

  • Applicant information
  • Abstract (300 words or less)
  • Upload the following documents formatted with 11 pt Arial font and at least .5″ margins
  • Applicant’s personal statement (training, project and mentor selection, career goals)
  • Research plan organized along NIH format (Specific Aims: 1page: Research Plan; Background and Significance, Approach and Preliminary results: 3 pages)
  • Plan for mentoring, new learning, academic development plan
  • Facilities & Environment 
  • References Cited 
  • Vertebrate Animals (if applicable)
  • Protection of Human Subjects (if applicable)
  • Investigator and Mentor’s NIH Biosketch (maximum 5 pages each)
  • Mentor’s support letter

Budget justification is not required but this award may not be used to support indirect (F&A) cost reimbursement or provide salary support for the mentor.


Apply Now!



2024 Winners

View Previous Winners

Hirshberg Award

Generously supported by the Hirshberg Foundation


Best Abstracts in Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer Research

Generously supported by the Kenner Family Research Fund


Best Abstracts in Basic and Clinical Pancreatitis Research

Generously supported by the National Pancreas Foundation


Best Abstract in Pediatric Pancreas Research